How Do You Keep a Snorkel Mask from Fogging Up?

Fogging mask is a common issue  among snorkeling and swimming enthusiasts. Even professional scuba divers experience the same problem. Here are the list of effective ways on how you can keep your snorkel mask from fogging up.

  1. Use an Anti-Fog Snorkel Mask
  2. Use an Anti-fog Spray
  3. Burn Excess Silicon Coating in a Brand New Mask
  4. Clean the Mask with Toothpaste
  5. Clean the Mask with Shampoo
  6. Clean with Glycerin Soap and Dish Washing Detergent
  7. Lick the Snorkel Mask’s Lens
  8. Rub a Slice of Potato to the Mask’s Lens
  9. Splash Your Face Before Wearing the Mask
  10. Wear the Snorkel Mask Properly
  11. Avoid Breathing in the Nose
  12. Rinse the Snorkel Mask Every After Use

Why Snorkel Masks Fog Up

The main reason why snorkel masks fog up is due to moisture accumulation.

Moisture is created due to water vapor being condensed inside the mask while wearing it.

Condensation takes place because of temperature difference inside and outside the surface of the lens. Much like what is happening when you pour cold water in a drinking glass.

Accumulated moisture inside the snorkel mask attaches to its lens that is causing it to fog up. Moisture easily stick to the lens when is not clean of oil and grease.

Although moisture cannot be eliminated completely, there are many ways to minimize it sticking to the snorkel lens.

1. Use an Anti-Fog Snorkel Mask

The best way to avoid mask fogging is to have an anti-fog snorkel mask.

These masks have special anti fog coating on its lens that prevents the accumulation of moisture.

It is relatively expensive compared to ordinary snorkel mask but it will instantly solve the problem.

2. Use an Anti-Fog Spray

There are available anti-fog sprays that can be used to prevent mask fogging.

This anti-fog sprays are formulated to give optimal visibility in goggles and masks. It serves as a coating when sprayed preventing the accumulation of steam and moisture in the lens.

3. Burn Excess Silicon Coating in a Brand New Mask

To prevent snorkel masks from abrasion and for added protection, manufacturers are putting a silicon coating to its lenses.

When a snorkel mask is brand new, it still has that silicon coating which causes fogging. This is due to the fact that silicon coating can easily accumulate moisture, dirt, and grease.

So when buying a brand new snorkel mask, the first thing that needs to be done is to remove that silicon coating in the lens. And the most infamous method of doing that is setting the lens on fire!

But there are many things that could go wrong with this procedure. A faint amount of fire is enough to burn that silicon coating in the lens. If the fire is to hot then it may break or liquefy the lens and in worst case scenario the whole mask may burn.

After exposing the lens to minimal amount of fire, you will need a soft tissue paper to wipe the lens and rinse it in water afterwards.

4. Clean the Mask with Toothpaste

One of the techniques that divers are doing to prevent mask fogging is to clean its lens with toothpaste before using it.

The idea here is to clean the mask from grease and oil which are moisture and steam magnet causing the mask to fog. And it turns out; toothpaste is very good in doing that job.

A little amount of toothpaste is being gently rubbed in the surface of the lens just enough to clean it. After rinsing, the snorkel mask is ready to go!

5. Clean the Mask with Shampoo

If toothpaste is not available, cleaning the snorkel mask with shampoo will also help lessen fogging.

6. Clean with Glycerin Soap and Dish Washing Detergent

Like toothpaste and shampoo, a glycerine soap and dish washing detergent are also great in removing accumulated grease and oil in a mask’s lens.

It will yield the same effect of minimizing fogging of a snorkel mask.

7. Lick the Snorkel Mask’s Lens

It may sound gross but licking the snorkel mask’s lens is really an effective way of preventing mask fogging.

Apparently, human saliva acts the same way with an anti-fog spray. Moisture and steam can’t attach itself to areas of the lens with saliva, thus preventing the snorkel mask from fogging.

8. Rub a Slice of Potato to the Snorkel Mask’s Lens

Surprisingly, juices and liquid inside a potato is great natural alternative to commercial anti-fog spray.

The potato is able to minimize accumulation of steam and moisture in the lens.

Only a small slice of potato is needed. After rubbing to the surface of the lens and rinsing, the snorkel mask is ready to dive.

9. Splash Your Face Before Wearing the Mask

As mentioned, moisture and steam that causes a snorkel mask to fog up is mainly due to temperature difference between the inside and the outside of the mask when in use.

If the face is hot while swimming or diving, the skin will emit steam inside the snorkel mask and it will cause mask fogging.

To prevent this, it is advisable to splash your face before wearing the snorkel mask to normalize skin temperature.

10. Wear the Snorkel Mask Properly

One of the reasons why a snorkel mask is fogging up quickly is because it is not being wear properly.

If the mask is not fitting correctly to the face, air and water can go in and out of the mask, thus affecting moisture and eventually causes the lens to fog.

11. Avoid Breathing in the Nose

Even in scuba diving, breathing in the nose is not the norm when underwater.

Air in the lungs has different temperature compared to air outside the body.

When this air travels out of the nose and into the snorkel mask, it will automatically create fogging.

12. Rinse the Snorkel Mask Every After Use

Salt, sand and other materials may stick in the lens of a snorkel mask in every use.

These agents may cause abrasion and other chemical issues that will likely result to mask fogging.

Therefore, it is always a must to rinse the snorkel mask with tap water every after use.

What If the Snorkel Mask Is Still Fogging Up

Again, the best way to avoid mask fogging is to buy an anti-fog snorkel or swimming mask.

But if an anti-fog mask is not available and the existing is a regular snorkel mask, there are other ways to prevent fogging.

If after trying all the recommended preventive measures the snorkel mask is still fogging up, then there is essentially nothing else that can be done.

The best resolve is to buy a new snorkel mask different from the previous one.

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